before taking Homeopathic Treatment

It is Important to Understand this before taking Homeopathic Treatment.

Often people ask before taking homeopathic treatment, which medicine is there for such and such disease in homeopathy? Or they ask whether the treatment of such disease is in homeopathy or not? It should be understood before taking homeopathic treatment, that what is often called a disease is only a symptom or symptoms related to […]

It is Important to Understand this before taking Homeopathic Treatment. Read More »

Nature's Law of Cure

Nature’s Law of Cure! Is It Important for You to Know This in the 21st Century?

What is nature’s law of cure? Nature’s law of cure is, “a similar and stronger disease eliminates a similar and weaker disease”. “Similia Similibus Curantur”, which means similar cures similar or like cures like. so, let’s discuss what is the homoeopathic law of nature. हिन्दी में पढ़ें How Nature’s Law of Cure was Discovered? Before

Nature’s Law of Cure! Is It Important for You to Know This in the 21st Century? Read More »

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